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The Bitery
The Bitery

A genuine taste of the good life

The Bitery is young, the Bitery is modern, and The Bitery is damn tasty. Enthusiasm for fresh, well-made food was the brand’s starting point. And the enthusiasm is real. Originally launched as a food blog, soon it was no longer enough for The Bitery just to write about the latest food trends, they wanted to make it themselves – and for real. Real food for real people with real lives. You can see and taste the result for yourselves.

Every bit(e) a success

The first premise: you should be able to pronounce everything on the list of ingredients. No easy task when you see the tongue-twisters on the lists of ingredients and additives on traditional so-called “fresh products”. Second premise: there should be time to eat every last bit of The Bitery’s products even in the busiest schedules – without any compromise on taste or quality. Now, after a thorough crunch check, we can safely say: check, and check again.


Fresh from the pack or fresh from the oven – The Bitery’s products taste fantastic every time. And they deliver on their promises. The Bitery combines quality and convenience – real soul food that makes you feel good. Because quite honestly, what else are cookies for if not that?