Doctors Without Borders
Boundless Help & Support
Doctors without Borders provide emergency medical support: worldwide, independently, fast and on the ground with those who need help. In conflict regions, in the wake of natural catastrophes and during epidemics, the volunteer doctors and nurses provide medical care to millions of people who would otherwise be left alone and would run the risk of dying from their illnesses or injuries. Furthermore, Doctors without Borders reports worldwide on the great need faced by such patients, drawing public attention to their situations: especially those stories that have gone almost unheard up until then. It was for this unwavering commitment that the organization was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999.
At Doctors without Borders, professionals from all over the world come together to work in an international network. Staff from different countries work side by side with their colleagues from the countries where the projects are taking place. Around 65,000 staff members are in action at any one time, in more than 70 countries: they include medics, psychologists, logistics specialists and many more. In order to remain independent, the overwhelming majority of them (97.4 percent) are financed with the help of private donors. To find out more, go to

Rounding Up - All Together For A Better Future
As Germany’s largest online shop for vegan groceries, we want to use our platform to make the world a little bit better. Sustainability, environmental protection and animal welfare are all values which are right at the heart of what we do. Many of our customers also want to do their bit for the planet, and the people and animals who live on it. That’s why we’ve developed a way to allow anyone to make micro-donations: Rounding up. Every time you make a purchase in our online shop, you can round your total up to the next euro when you get to the checkout. We collect the amounts of between 1 and 99 cents and make a monthly donation on behalf of our customers. And because we want to do our bit too, we also round the total up at the end of the year – out of our own pocket.
Project: Ukraine
Hundreds of thousands of people have fled the fighting in eastern Ukraine and have sought refuge in other regions such as Dnipropetrovsk. There is heavy fighting in the south, too, and the fronts are moving very quickly. Not everyone is able to flee such regions, however: in particular older people, disabled people and those who can’t afford the journey to western Ukraine or to get out of the country are stuck in the fought-over areas. According to the UNHCR, the war in the Ukraine has forced more than 9.5 million people to become internally displaced or to flee abroad. Doctors without Borders works in more than a dozen towns and cities in Ukraine and its neighboring countries Belarus, Poland, Russia and Slovakia. There are currently 700 staff members deployed in the country, providing support. As the situation in the fought-over areas changes rapidly, we are constantly observing the dynamics there in order to be able to protect our staff and to be able to adapt our activities to people’s needs.