World Wide Fund For Nature
On The Side Of Animals For More Than 60 Years
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is one of the largest and most experienced animal protection organizations in the world, and is active in almost 100 countries. It has more than 6 million supporters worldwide. WWF’s global network includes 90 offices in more than 40 countries. All around the globe, staff members are currently working on 1300 biodiversity projects.
Never has it been more important for us to fight for our planet.
Never have we had clearer environmental protection targets than those set out in the UN sustainable development goals, and those decided on in the Paris Agreement. Never have we had such a precise idea of what needs to be done to save our planet – and never before have the prospects of success been so good. Because there have never been as many people as there are now who are prepared to stand up for our planet. With our clever, innovative ideas and convincing ways to get involved, it’s our aim to make sure generations to come will be able to live a good life on a habitable Earth.
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Rounding Up - All Together For A Better Future
As Germany’s largest online shop for vegan groceries, we want to use our platform to make the world a little bit better. Sustainability, environmental protection and animal welfare are all values which are right at the heart of what we do. Many of our customers also want to do their bit for the planet, and the people and animals who live on it.
That’s why we’ve developed a way to allow anyone to make micro-donations: Rounding up. Every time you make a purchase in our online shop, you can round your total up to the next euro when you get to the checkout. We collect the amounts of between 1 and 99 cents and make a monthly donation on behalf of our customers. And because we want to do our bit too, we also round the total up at the end of the year – out of our own pocket.

Focus On Protecting Endangered Species
The preservation of intact habitats and the protection of wild animal and plant species are absolutely indispensable for humanity’s survival. WWF stands up for the protection of endangered species: in Germany and all over the world. It focuses particularly on the preservation of the world’s last large areas of forest, the fight against climate change, the fight for sustainable seas, demanding sustainable farming, reducing plastic use, and the preservation of rivers and wetlands worldwide. (Over)exploitation and poaching pose a threat to rare species of plants and animals. The greatest threat of all is humankind.
That’s why WWF has projects worldwide in which it collaborates closely with people on the ground, mediates in conflicts involving wild animals, and is active in the fight against poaching. The protection of nature is only possible if people are on board. We need a rethink in terms of how we use our planet’s resources. WWF shows how valuable the world’s biodiversity is, and ensures - with its nature protection projects (some of which are in Germany) - that valuable ecosystems are preserved or restored. The successes WWF has had to date speak for themselves. A blueprint for saving nature does exist!