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Vegan Fish Alternatives at velivery.com
Are you looking for sustainable alternatives to fish products? Velivery.com offers you a selection of vegan substitutes that bring the flavors of the seas and lakes to your plate without contributing to overfishing.
What are vegan fish alternatives?
Our plant-based fish substitute products, rich in ingredients like wheat protein and pea protein, are the ideal choice for those who want to enjoy the flavors of fish without endangering fish populations.
Diverse varieties for every taste
Discover our crispy fish stick alternatives, spicy fish burgers, breaded faux fish, and soy protein scampi. We also offer fish deli slices and spreads with authentic fish flavor.
Nutritional values and preparation
Our products, enriched with algae extracts and algae oil, provide valuable nutrients and are an excellent source of protein.
Environmentally friendly and sustainable
Our fish substitute products help protect overfished seas and endangered marine life, providing a solution to the problems of overfishing and bycatch.
Top brands for quality and variety
We offer products from top brands such as BettaF!sh, Vantastic foods, Vivera, and more, specializing in sustainable and flavorful alternatives based on seaweed and wheat protein.
Easy online purchase
Discover and buy our vegan fish alternatives conveniently in our online shop.
Diverse varieties for every taste
Be sure to check out our subcategories in the Fish Alternatives segment:
- Fish Stick Alternatives: Perfect for kids and quick meals.
- Faux Fish Fillet Alternatives: Ideal for traditional fish dishes.
- Vegan Fish Deli Slices & Spreads: For sandwiches and snacks.
- Vegan Fish Salads: Fresh and light.
- Canned Fish Alternatives: Convenient and long-lasting.
- Seafood Alternatives: For those who love mussels and shrimp.