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Your Guide to Vegan Milk Alternatives
What You Should Know About Vegan Milk Substitutes
If you're looking for a plant-based alternative to conventional cow's milk, you've come to the right place. Vegan milk alternatives, also known as plant drinks, offer a variety of options for every taste and need. From soy-based milk alternatives to oat milk - we have everything your heart desires, distinguished by their nutty flavor notes and the ability to froth well.
Why Milk Alternatives Cannot Be Called Milk
In the EU and other regions, these products cannot be labeled as "milk" if they are not of animal origin. This is due to legal definitions and regulations that specify that the term "milk" is reserved exclusively for the product derived from the secretion of mammals. Accordingly, plant alternatives must be labeled as "drink," "alternative," or similar to avoid confusion and to inform consumers clearly about the origin and composition of the product. This regulation aims to ensure the integrity and clarity of product labeling and to ensure that consumers understand exactly what they are buying. These products cannot be labeled as almond milk, oat milk, rice milk, pea milk, or lupine milk.
Nutritional Values and Health Benefits
Understand the nutrients in your favorite milk. Many plant milk alternative varieties like those from Oatly, Alpro, Provamel, DUG, Lazy HEROES, or VLY are rich in vitamins and minerals and are often enriched with additional nutrients such as pea protein to support your protein levels and nutrition optimally. We'll show you which options for cow's milk alternatives are particularly nutrient-rich and how milk substitutes, like unsweetened almond milk or soy milk, can reduce the sugar content in your diet.
Environmentally Friendly Options
Learn more about the ecological footprint of your milk alternative. We value that our products are not only good for you but also for the planet. Find out which milk alternatives like pea milk based on pea protein or the water-efficient production of cashew-based milk alternatives represent the most environmentally friendly choice.
Allergy and Intolerance Friendly Alternatives
Do you have allergies or food intolerances? No problem. You'll find a wide selection of products free from common allergens such as lactose, milk protein, or gluten. Safety and enjoyment go hand in hand, with options like coconut milk for a sweet note without the addition of milk sugar.
Cooking and Baking with Vegan Milk Alternatives
Get inspired on how to use vegan milk alternatives in your kitchen. Whether baking or cooking, we offer tips and tricks on how to achieve the best results, from milk foam to desserts. Discover new recipes and ideas for your next meal with milk substitute products that are rich in flavor and low in calories.
Price Comparison and Shopping Tips
We understand that price is an important factor. Here you will find a comprehensive price comparison of our vegan milk alternatives, including tips on how to save money and make a healthier choice by purchasing products without added sugar or with low sugar content.
Plant Drinks Interested in making your own vegan milk? We provide simple instructions and show you what ingredients and tools you need, including vegetable oil for extra creaminess and the possibility to froth it like "normal" cow's milk for your cappuccino, for example with special varieties like OATLY Barista Edition. Create your own plant drinks and experiment with different flavors, from sweet to nutty. However, the ready-made milk alternatives we offer are of such high quality, affordability, and sustainability that making your own vegan milk alternatives is usually not worthwhile.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Still have questions? Check out our FAQ section where we answer frequently asked questions about vegan milk alternatives and substitute products. From storage tips to nutritional advice - we have the answers you're looking for to make your decision for a plant-based milk alternative easier.