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Vegan Baking Mixes at Velivery
Easy and Delicious: Base Mixes for Vegan Baking
Discover our vegan base mixes for cakes, muffins, and more. Our baking mixes, made with ingredients like raw cane sugar, guarantee not only enjoyment but also conscious nutrition. Ideal for quick and easy vegan baking without eggs and milk.
Healthy and Nutritious: Bread Mixes with Nutritional Value
Our bread mixes are not only easy to prepare but also packed with good nutrition. Enjoy the variety of crispy, vegan bread straight from your preheated oven, without saturated animal fats.
Diversity and Quality: Baking Mixes without Animal Products
Our range of dairy-free baking mixes stands for quality and taste. Each mix is carefully balanced to deliver a perfect baking result. Whether you prefer sweet cakes or savory bread – our mixes have something for everyone.
Convenience in Online Shopping
Order your vegan baking mixes conveniently online. Choose from a variety of options and enjoy fast, uncomplicated deliveries.