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Vegan Bread and Rolls at Velivery
Discover the Diversity of Vegan Baked Goods
Are you in search of fluffy, plant-based bread? Velivery offers a wide range of vegan bread and rolls, including wheat rolls and spelt rolls that are rich in nutrients. Our products are not only delicious but also healthy and environmentally friendly.
Plant-Based Bread – Healthy and Versatile
Our selection includes various types of bread, from hearty whole grain bread to light spelt bread. Made with ingredients like dry yeast, spelt flour, and flaxseed flour, our bread is not only nutrient-rich but also a delight for the taste buds.
Vegan Rolls – Ideal for Every Day
Our vegan rolls, perfect for Sunday mornings or as a daily side, are crispy, tasty, and easy to prepare. With a short baking time and the use of bottom heat, you'll achieve a perfect crust. Try our spelt and whole grain rolls, which you can easily knead on the countertop and prepare with dry yeast and whole grain flour.
Easy and Quick: Order Vegan Bread and Rolls
Order vegan bread and rolls now at Velivery. With a simple recipe, quick preparation time, and the option to preheat and coat the dough pieces, enjoying delicious and healthy baked goods is a breeze. Enjoy the freshness and quality of our products, delivered directly to your home.