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Vegan Cookies and Biscuits at Velivery
Delicious Selection: Vegan Butter Cookies
Browse through our range and discover vegan butter cookies, baked to a crispy golden perfection. Our recipes use spelt flour and almond milk to combine traditional flavor with a vegan twist. Perfect for those who love rolling out and decorating cookies.
Home Baking Artistry: Cutout Cookies and More
Experience the joy of baking with our vegan cookie dough. Prepare your oven by preheating it properly and using the lower heat setting. Knead the dough on your work surface and roll it out to create the most beautiful cutout cookies. Our doughs are designed to be easy to handle and rise perfectly.
Creative Decorations: Chocolate Chips and Icing
Our vegan cookies are transformed into heavenly masterpieces with chocolate chips, vegan couverture, and colorful icing, dyed with natural food coloring. Dust them with vanilla sugar or decorate them individually – your creativity knows no bounds.
Practical Tips for Perfect Cookies
We not only provide delicious ingredients but also practical tips to determine the ideal baking and preparation time. Learn how to bake your cookies to perfect crispiness and how to present them best on the cookie plate.
Convenient and Easy Online Creation
Enjoy the convenience of ordering vegan cookies and biscuits online. Choose from our selection here on velivery.com and look forward to fast delivery straight from our bakery to your home.