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Vegan dietary supplements: Optimal nutrient supply for everyone
Balanced supplementation for a vegan diet
While a vegan diet is rich in whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, it can lead to nutrient deficiencies in certain cases. Our vegan dietary supplements are designed to meet your individual nutritional needs without the risk of overdosing. They complement your diet in a nutrition-specific and effective way.
Bioavailability and daily requirements: What really matters
In selecting our products, we pay special attention to the bioavailability of the included nutrients. This ensures that your body can derive the maximum benefit from each supplement. The products in our range are tailored to daily requirements and help prevent nutrient deficiencies without exceeding recommended maximum levels.
Vegan dietary supplements for specific needs
For special dietary requirements or risk groups such as pregnant women or the elderly, we offer specially formulated products. These high-dose dietary supplements are designed to prevent deficiencies and support energy metabolism. This way, you can complement your vegan diet optimally.
Transparency and trust: Reference values and forms of administration
We emphasize transparency and trust. Our products follow the reference values of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment and provide information on daily dosage and forms of administration. Preparations enriched with Brazil nuts, algae oil, or special plant extracts are just a few examples of our diverse product range.
Holistic health promotion with vegan dietary supplements
Our vegan dietary supplements are not only aimed at alleviating deficiencies but also promote holistic health. They assist in combating fatigue and contribute to a balanced diet. This way, you can be confident that, in addition to meeting your daily nutritional needs, you are also enhancing your overall well-being.