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Vegan Baking: Creative Recipes and Tips
Fluffy Cakes and Pies
Rediscover the joy of baking fluffy sponge cakes and pies without any animal products. With alternatives like plant-based milk instead of cow's milk and vanilla sugar for additional flavor, you can effortlessly create delicious vegan baked goods. Our selection of vegan ingredients allows you to veganize traditional recipes such as bundt cakes or sponge cake with ease.
Perfecting Baking Techniques
Learn how to achieve optimal results through clever preheating and the right baking time. Discover how to let your vegan yeast dough rise perfectly and how to cool cakes and bread on a cake rack to achieve the ideal consistency. With our tips on techniques like greasing the pan and properly mixing the ingredients, every baking experience becomes a success.
Healthy and Light Alternatives
Vegan baking also means using healthier alternatives. Explore unsweetened plant-based drinks, soy yogurt, and soy flour as nutrient-rich ingredients. With spelt flour and other low-calorie baking ingredients, you can create not only delicious but also health-conscious baked creations.
Creativity and Variety in the Vegan Bakery
From savory bread recipes to sweet cakes, the selection of recipes and ingredients is limitless. Experiment with ingredients like baking cocoa or different types of flour to create your favorite recipes. Vegan baking is diverse – whether you want to recreate basic recipes or create your own creations.
Last but not least: Unlimited Enjoyment
Vegan baking is an exciting journey through the world of plant-based ingredients. Whether you're looking for fluffy cakes, savory bread, or healthy alternatives – our products and tips support you in realizing your baking dreams. Get inspired and enjoy vegan baking in all its facets!