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Vegan Cooking: Simple and Delicious
Embark on your vegan cooking adventure
Vegan cooking opens up a world of possibilities, especially when you start veganizing traditional recipes. At Velivery, you'll find a variety of substitute products and ingredients to help you prepare your favorite dishes in a plant-based way.
Basic Ingredients for Vegan Cuisine
A well-stocked vegan pantry includes legumes, nuts, and spices, as well as products like soy flour and nutritional yeast. These ingredients are not only wholesome but also rich in protein, adding a unique character to your dishes.
Special Ingredients for that Extra Something
To create dishes that are hearty and flavorful, we offer you a selection of special ingredients. From soy granules, perfect for soaking and creating meat-free alternatives, to fermented silk tofu for a tender texture – discover the distinct taste and versatility of vegan products.
Diversity and Inspiration
Explore the abundance of vegetables and innovative meat alternatives that enrich your kitchen. Try sautéed or roasted vegetables and learn how agave syrup naturally sweetens your dishes. Let our recipes inspire you to recreate hearty, plant-based meals.
Easy and Quick Shopping
With just a few clicks, you can order all the ingredients for your vegan cooking adventure from our online shop. Vegan cooking is not only nutrition-conscious but also incredibly accessible and convenient.