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Vegan Pet Food at Velivery: Species-Appropriate and Without Animal Suffering
Welcome to the world of vegan pet food at Velivery, where we present a lovingly selected range of delicious and nutritionally balanced food for your four-legged friends. Even though dogs and cats are natural carnivores, studies show that with a well-planned vegan diet, they can live a healthy life without suffering from deficiencies.
Species-appropriate nutrition without meat
• Vegan Dog Food: Balanced dog food that meets your furry friend's nutritional needs.
• Vegan Cat Food: Cat food that provides all essential nutrients even without meat content.
Food options that impress dog and cat owners
Discover products from brands like Ami and VEGDOG, which excel in quality and taste. Whether it's AMI Cat dry cat food or VEGDOG All-in Veluxe, here you'll find meatless alternatives that nourish and delight your pet.
Against factory farming and for ethical nutrition
Our vegan pet food products are not only free from animal ingredients but are often available in organic quality. This way, you can offer your beloved pet a balanced diet without supporting factory farming.
Meat-free nutrition that fills the bowl
Vegan pet food is more than just a complete meal. It's a way to reduce animal suffering while ensuring that your pet receives all the necessary nutrients to live a healthy and happy life.
Discover more at Velivery
In addition to our pet food, we offer many other vegan foods. Browse through our categories and explore the diversity of our 100% vegan selection.