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Only the Best for Your Dog
The Importance of a Balanced Diet
Love goes through the stomach! What applies to us humans is certainly not wrong when it comes to our beloved pets. Serving a delicious meal to your fluffy companion, making them happy, and taking care of them is probably the easiest way to show how much you love them.
Significance of the Right Food Choice
Dog owners know that there are many differences in dog food. It's important to pay attention to the balanced nutrition of the dog and the right composition of vitamins, proteins, minerals, and so on. Dogs often experience intolerances and allergies, making it necessary to avoid certain ingredients and/or components in their food.
Vegan Pet Food as a Healthy Alternative
For those who prefer to feed their beloved furry friend with delicious dog food based on plant ingredients, our online shop offers a wide range of products without meat and other animal components specifically designed for dogs.
High-Quality Brands and Their Advantages
Brands such as Vegdog and AMI provide a range of complete food options that are both nutritionally balanced and free from factory-farmed products. These ranges include vegan complete food, vegan wet food, and dry food: Our selection offers you high-quality vegan dog food of different kinds.
Nutritional Components
The food varieties in our range are enriched with important nutritional supplements, ensuring a species-appropriate and complete diet for your dog. They are formulated to meet the specific nutritional needs of your four-legged friend and keep them optimally nourished.