Versandkostenfrei ab 55€**
100% Vegane Lebensmittel
5% Neukundenrabatt
de | en
100% vegan
CO2-neutraler Versand
Ohne Tierleid
Der Versand ist nicht in alle Länder möglich.

vegane Beef Strips, 180g

  • Vegane Fleisch-Alternative
  • Auf Erbsenbasis
  • Protein- und Ballaststoffreich
  • Geschmacksecht und bissfest
100% vegan
CO2-neutraler Versand
Ohne Tierleid
Der Versand ist nicht in alle Länder möglich.

Sofort verfügbar, Lieferzeit: 1-3 Tage

3,29 €

(18,28 €* / kg)
Grundpreis: 18,28 € / kg .
Preise inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten .

For everyone who has beef with meat

The perfect alternative to delicate beef strips: Like Beef Strips are vegan, and free from additives and allergens. Despite their authentic fibrous meat texture, these are 100% vegan with a recipe consisting solely of carrots, peas, onions and potatoes. And for those who like it extra spicy, Like Sweet & Chilli Beef Style is the perfect base for the classics of Asian cooking. All in all, a unique taste experience.

Once learnt, never forgotten

Like founder Timo Recker comes from the third generation of a meat-producing family. He knows the business and the products. But one thing he learnt early on? It’s all of this could be done without meat. So, in 2013, Timo founded his own company in Düsseldorf to cater fully to the appetites of like-minded people – both their tastebuds and philosophy! And actually, Like means us vegans don't have to miss out on anything at all. In fact its vegan meat alternatives are so versatile and delicious that they have now garnered a following among flexitarians too. The LikeMeat brand was relaunched in May 2024 and is now called LIKE. The new design was honored with the German Brand Award 2024.

Vegan choice

The Like product range really does leave nothing to be desired. Chicken fans can choose from Like Chicken, Like Chicken Fillet, Like Grilled Chicken, Like Nuggets, Like Chicken Wings or the Like Chicken Burger. For beef enthusiasts, the range includes Like Beef Strips, Sweet & Chilli Beef Style, Like Mince and Like Meatballs. And all those who like something hearty they can hold in their hands can sink their teeth into plant-based indulgence in the form of Like Mini Grilled Sausages, Like Bratwurst, Like Gyros, Like Döner or Like Schnitzel. Have they missed anything?

Authentic taste and high in protein

Like products are made from soya, wheat and pea protein, enabling them to replicate the taste of the respective original meat product and the ideal texture. Like is proof that you don’t need meat to continue enjoying your favourite dishes. We like!

Produktnummer: A009503

Bezeichnung des Lebensmittels: Veganes Erzeugnis aus Sojaprotein in Streifen, herzhaft gewürzt

Inhalt: 180g

Zutaten: Wasser, Sojaproteinkonzentrat (23%), Sonnenblumenöl, Zucker, Gewürze, Stärke, natürliches Aroma, Speisesalz, Zitronensaftpulver, Karamellsiruppulver, Hefeextrakt, Kräuter, Aroma, Farbstoff: Paprikaextrakt.

Allergiehinweis: Enthält Soja.

Kühlhinweis: Bitte bis maximal 7°C lagern.

Lagerhinweis: Nach dem Öffnen gekühlt lagern und innerhalb von 2 Tagen verbrauchen.

Info: Dieses Produkt wurde unter Schutzatmosphäre verpackt.

Verzehrhinweis: Vor dem Verzehr gut durcherhitzen.

Inverkehrbringer: Livekindly Germany GmbH, Speditionstraße 1, 40221 Düsseldorf

EAN: 4260380665930

Bitte beachte zusätzlich die Angaben auf den Produktverpackungen. Durch eventuelle Rezepturänderungen, oder Rohstoffschwankungen können sich Änderungen ergeben.

Nährwerte pro 100g
Energie 504 kJ / 120 kcal
Fett 2,4 g
gesättigte Fettsäuren 0,3 g
Kohlenhydrate 5,8 g
Zucker 2,8 g
Ballaststoffe 5,6 g
Eiweiß 16 g
Salz 1,8 g

Einen Moment. Bewertungen werden geladen ...

vegane Bratwurst, 200g
LIKE vegane Bratwurst, 200g
(16,45 €* / kg)
3,29 €*
vegane Chicken Wings, 180g
LIKE vegane Nuggets, 180g
(18,28 €* / kg)
3,29 €*
LIKE veganer Chicken Burger, 180g
(14,61 €* / kg)
3,29 €* 2,63 €*
Günstigster Preis/30 Tage: 2,63 €*
veganer Döner, 180g
LIKE veganer Döner, 180g
(18,28 €* / kg)
3,29 €*
veganes Chicken, 180g
LIKE veganes Chicken, 180g
(18,28 €* / kg)
3,29 €*
veganes Chicken Filet, 180g
veganes Gyros, 180g
LIKE veganes Gyros, 180g
(18,28 €* / kg)
3,29 €*
veganes Hack, 180g
LIKE veganes Hack, 180g
(18,28 €* / kg)
3,29 €*
veganes Schnitzel, 180g
LIKE veganes Schnitzel, 180g
(18,28 €* / kg)
3,29 €*

Mehr aus der Kategorie Pfannenfleisch- & Geschnetzeltes-Alternativen(Zur Kategorie Pfannenfleisch- & Geschnetzeltes-Alternativen)

Vivera Vegane Knusprige Tenders Hähnchen-Art, 150g
(15,93 €* / kg)
2,99 €* 2,39 €*
Günstigster Preis/30 Tage: 2,39 €*
Veganes Gyros, BIO, 200g
veganes Chicken, 180g
LIKE veganes Chicken, 180g
(18,28 €* / kg)
3,29 €*
vegane Chicken Wings, 180g
veganes Chicken Filet, 180g
Green Legend Vegane Hähnchen Spiesse Sweet Bbq, 160g
(15,25 €* / kg)
3,49 €* 2,44 €*
Günstigster Preis/30 Tage: 2,44 €*
Schnitzerl, 140g
Vegini Schnitzerl, 140g
(21,36 €* / kg)
2,99 €*
Passende Produkte zu jedem Anlass
Vegane Aktionswochen
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