
Creative ways to tackle food waste
Lebensmittelverschwendung ist eines der größten globalen Probleme unserer Zeit. Jedes Jahr landen Millionen Tonnen an Lebensmitteln auf dem Müll, während gleichzeitig viele Menschen keinen ausreichenden Zugang zu Nahrungsmitteln haben. Dieses Ungleichgewicht ist nicht nur eine massive soziale, sondern auch eine ökologische Herausforderung. Die Produktion von Lebensmitteln verbraucht wertvolle Ressourcen wie Wasser, Energie und Anbaufläche. Wenn Nahrungsmittel weggeworfen werden, gehen nicht nur diese Ressourcen verloren, zugleich entstehen zusätzlich klimaschädliche Emissionen durch den Abbau und die Entsorgung der Lebensmittel. Ein Wandel ist dringend nötig – und er beginnt, wie so oft, bei uns selbst. In diesem Artikel zeigen wir verschiedene kreative und…
The story of the Burrens: a real Swiss animal fairy tale
Story: The story of the Burrens: a real Swiss animal fairy taleFor many generations, the Burrens had lived on their farm near Bern, Switzerland, where they kept animals… and slaughtered them. When the son, Tobias, took over, he decided that everything would be different from then on. For the animals, especially. And yet, at first glance, the handsome farm situated idyllically in lush green countryside doesn’t look much different to other farms. We talked to Tobias Burren and learned his story, which sounds a little like a fairytale while nonetheless having become everyday life for him and his wife Christine – with plenty of work and happiness in equal measure. Read…
Vegan goes to Hollywood …
Story: Vegan goes to Hollywood …Plant-based food is on everyone’s lips – and their tongues! But taste isn’t the only sense through which we’re sent messages about animal welfare, health and sustainability. Particularly memorable are images – which are known to be able to say more than 1000 words. Given that behind each decision to follow a vegan or increasingly plant-based lifestyle, there are as many rational arguments as there are feelings, documentaries are a particularly good way of raising awareness about the subject. They combine urgently needed fact-based information with stark images. And filmmakers use different techniques to get there: from humor to shock…
Enjoy a relaxing vacation with VeggieHotels & VeganWelcome
Story: Enjoy a relaxing vacation with VeggieHotels & VeganWelcomeDo you dream of a vacation which is not just relaxing, but also meets your ethical and culinary standards and expectations? Where every meal is a feast for the senses, and you never have to worry whether what you’re eating really is free from animal products? Allow us to present VeggieHotels and VeganWelcome-Hotels – the platforms for all vegan travelers which will take care of all your wants and needs! The idea for VeggieHotels came about due to an all too familiar state of affairs: Travel journalists Thomas and Karen Klein and their colleague Peter Haunert were having difficulties finding…
Europe’s appetite for change
Story: Europe’s appetite for changeMeandering through the streets of Paris, you could almost think that the traditional bakeries, famous for their buttery croissants, had given way overnight to cafés boasting vegan pain au chocolat. But this culinary shift is not just a French phenomenon. From the sun-kissed terraces of Spain to the cosy cafés of Poland, the whole of Europe seems to have embarked on a culinary voyage of discovery that combines tradition with trends, seasoned with a big pinch of green. Here in Germany, there are so many more vegan foods that land on our plates than almost anywhere else. After all, the…
Lab-grown meat – is it vegan?
Story: Lab-grown meat – is it vegan?In einer Welt, die ständig zwischen Tradition und Innovation balanciert, erhitzt Laborfleisch die Gemüter. Doch was ist das eigentlich? Die Grundidee ist einfach, aber gerade deswegen steckt hier moderneste HighTech dahinter: Laborfleisch, auch kultiviertes Fleisch oder In-vitro-Fleisch genannt, beruht auf der Methode, aus tierischen Zellen Fleisch zu züchten. Aus den Stammzellen im Muskelgewebe der Tiere wächst das designte Fleisch durch die Zufuhr von Nährlösungen aus Zucker, Aminosäuren, Fettsäuren, aber auch mit Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen. War vor zehn Jahren die erste Zellkultur-Frikadelle noch eine Sensation, entsteht kultiviertes Fleisch mittlerweile schon im industriellen Maßstab. Allerdings bisher nur in sehr wenigen Ländern. Wie soll…
Eden Reforestation Projects
Story: Eden Reforestation ProjectsWho doesn’t imagine the Garden of Eden, or paradise, to be a wonderful garden landscape with strong, lush green trees? Presumably it was such a paradise-like image of unspoilt nature which inspired the name of Eden Reforestation Projects. At Eden Reforestation Projects, it’s all about the trees. Or, to be more precise, it’s about reforestation – all over the world! At Eden, they’re ready to get their hands dirty – with spades, earth, and seedlings. Read on to find out what motivates the people behind Eden Reforestation Projects, and what successes they have already been able to achieve. VELIVERY: The…
Twins reveal the secrets of a vegan diet
Story: Twins reveal the secrets of a vegan dietA recently published study by Stanford Medicine, led by Matthew J. Landry and his team, investigated whether a vegan diet really is healthier – and the results are as fascinating as the wide-ranging discussion about nutrition itself. So fascinating, in fact, that a four-part documentary about the study is now available on Netflix (“You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment”). It allows us to follow the scientists and participants every step of the way, and to find out what effects a vegan diet has on various aspects of life. The question at the heart of it all is always:…
Vegan options at fast food chains
Story: Vegan options at fast food chainsMany people eat burgers, fried chicken, pizza and other fast foods on a regular basis. Whether we like it or not, fast food is as much a part of our everyday lives as social media, or going to the hairdresser. At the same time, the green world of vegan food is growing every day. Awareness about the environment and animal welfare, coupled with health-related motivations, are making many consumers rethink their habits. This has led to small and medium-sized businesses being founded which support this development, and meet the demand which has been created. Larger, well-known businesses have adapted, too,…
Green light for Christmas
Story: Green light for ChristmasDo you remember the days when Christmas was all about getting together in a festive mood and enjoying little treats? Times have changed. Nowadays people brag not only about the ‘most over the top’ decorated Christmas tree, but also about how environmentally conscious it was chosen and how artistically and sustainably the gifts are wrapped. But seriously, Christmas is THE time of year to let the credit cards overheat and the bins overflow. But why do we celebrate Christmas at all – and then so excessively? Well, of course, it’s about love, family and … presents! Lots and lots of…
Finding vegan food on the go
Story: Finding vegan food on the goPeople have always felt the need to travel in order to discover the world and get to know other places. This is how the idea of traveling came about. From the first nomadic peoples to flashpackers and businesspeople, things have changed quite considerably. So, what plant-based food is on offer when you’re on your travels? We took a look at what vegan travelers can expect to find, and at their experiences. In this article, you’ll find some info and top tips on keeping vegan hunger at bay while getting from A to B. Yes, luckily there is indeed an app…
Peace Vood and Good Karma
Story: Peace Vood and Good KarmaVeganism and Buddhism are two trendy topics which, when combined, either sound like an “Eat, Pray Love”-esque trip to find yourself, or like the contents of your fridge after you’ve been on a spiritual retreat for the weekend. But hey, who knew that there’s a connection between enlightened beings and seitan steaks? Or that famous Buddhists such as Matthieu Ricard are some of the happiest people around, or that karma might start with our consumer habits? Empathy is the central value of the Buddhist faith. In the teachings of this Eastern wisdom, life is sacred. Buddhism teaches us that all…
Vegan at the Oktoberfest
Story: Vegan at the OktoberfestFrom 16 September, Munich will once again be in a state of emergency for 18 days. This is the time of year when the ‘Wies’n’, as the Bavarians affectionately call the festival on the Theresienwiese, opens its tents. This world-famous Oktoberfest that takes place in September was first held in 1810 to celebrate the wedding of Crown Prince Ludwig of Bavaria and Princess Therese and has been celebrated annually ever since. It is known for its large beer selection, traditional Bavarian music, fairground rides and, of course, its rich cuisine, which consists mainly of meat and dairy products. But in…
Veganuary is an all-year thing
Story: Veganuary is an all-year thingBy now everyone or almost everyone will have heard of the now iconic Veganuary at the start of the year. It’s a vegan celebration of the vegan lifestyle, and every year new fans of a wholly or overwhelmingly plant-based diet get on board. Doing Veganuary together makes getting started easy. Not yet quite as well known is Veganuary, the charitable organisation behind it. It’s a UK export that encourages people around the world to move towards a sustainable diet. It runs interesting campaigns throughout the year aimed at encouraging vegan lifestyles – just like we do here at Velivery. We…
Villa Vegana
Story: Villa VeganaLittle vegan paradises are out there if you look for them! Welcome to our trip to the sunny Balearic Island of Majorca, where you’ll find a hotel that’s a real find in terms of vegan insider knowledge! Whether you’re already a fan of Majorca or not, today we’re going to take you with us on a voyage of discovery to Villa Vegana, a veritable vegan Eldorado! So pack up your bags with plenty of curiosity and appetite – wonderful delicacies and a beautiful location await, eager to be discovered! Villa Vegana, referred to affectionately by fans as the “Kale Garden…
vegan food in canteens
Story: vegan food in canteensA loud rumbling in the stomach is a universal sign that it’s time to give your body, and therefore also your brain, the food it needs. And as someone who studies or works, particularly with a modest budget, what better place could there be to eat to your heart’s content than in a university or work canteen? But before you jump to conclusions – we’re not talking about boring canteen food in dusty halls with harsh fluorescent lights! We’re talking about the amazing steps forward taken by vegetarian and vegan food over the last few years. It’s been a real…
Vegan power in strength events
Story: Vegan power in strength eventsIn the world of weightlifting, there are many stereotypes and prejudices against vegan diets. Many people think that a protein-rich diet can only be achieved with animal products, and that vegans are therefore not able to achieve strong, muscular bodies. But that simply isn’t the case. More and more sportspeople in various disciplines are showing that a vegan diet can indeed be enough to help you get a powerful, sinewy body. Read on to find out more about vegan weightlifters and some of the most successful vegan bodybuilders in the world! At first glance, many people don’t believe that veganism…
Vegan Athletes
Story: Vegan AthletesThe Ironman is known as the oldest and most challenging triathlon of our times. Endurance athletes from all over the world come together in Hawaii each year to see how they measure up over a total race length of 4km swimming, 180km cycling, and 42km running. In addition to the already considerable sporting and mental demands put on the triathletes due to the sheer distances involved in each of the legs, they also have to deal with the energy-sapping climactic and geographical conditions in Hawaii: unpredictable, gusty crosswinds, uneven paths, extreme temperatures which can reach more than 85 degrees Fahrenheit…
Our ancestors’ veggie menus
Story: Our ancestors’ veggie menusThe most recent research findings have shown the widespread assumption that our early ancestors were primarily meat eaters to be wrong, or at least very questionable. Eat like a Neanderthal: nowadays, the term “paleo diet” (stone age diet) is often used to mean a very meat-heavy diet. Now, however, various researchers are painting a totally different picture of what Neanderthals and early homo sapiens ate. The findings of various pieces of research into nutrition in the Stone Age provide a very interesting – and often surprising – picture. It appears that a very wide range of plants were indeed on…
Hotel ahead of times
Story: Hotel ahead of timesIn the northwesternmost corner of the German state of Brandenburg, somewhere between Hamburg and Berlin, you’ll find the historical castle “Burg Lenzen” in the beautiful Elbe River Landscape Biosphere Reserve (Brandenburg). The castle, which is a listed building, and the surrounding town have a colorful history which is still being written. The newest chapter is a hotel which looks set to be very different from other hotels, and it certainly piqued our curiosity here at VELIVERY, because it’s a completely vegan hotel. When we had the idea of writing about a 100% vegan hotel, there was a lot of interest,…
Michael Spahn – vegan visionary
Story: Michael Spahn – vegan visionaryMichael Spahn is a trained master butcher who has been self-employed for 30 years. He’s a father, a creative, and… a vegan. Decades of being in such close proximity to meat through his work eventually led to high cholesterol levels, which forced him to change his diet. For the good of his health and animal welfare, the master butcher decided to live a completely vegan lifestyle. This dietary about‑turn in his private life led to vegan meats appearing in his butcher’s shop. From then on, his own business produced only plant-based products, while the production of the traditional Spahn classics…
RONCALLI – the first circus in the world with animal welfare in mind
Story: RONCALLI – the first circus in the world with animal welfare in mind“A day without laughter is a day wasted.” What Charlie Chaplin was preaching many years ago has been lived out by Circus Roncalli for almost 50 years: Unique circus poetry that bewitches audiences across Europe with each new show and whisks them away on a journey to a land of dreams, color, and imagination. The magic starts as soon as you enter the circus grounds with its nostalgic atmosphere. The original, renovated circus carriages and the imposing circus tent immerse you in a fairytale landscape. Austrian founder Bernhard Paul has a keen eye for every last detail of his Roncalli…