Vegan Personality
Vegan Personality

A superwoman with a passion for animals
Victoria has what you might call a wide horizon. On her blog, the author, (radio) presenter, influencer and animal rescuer deals with a whole range of highly topical and fundamental life issues. These include equality and feminism, but also mental health, self-care, social issues and food. The central issue in her life has always been animal welfare. She is passionate about everything, but for animals she is now an activist, having already been vegan for a long time. In this interview, Victoria tells us all about how she came to be a vegan, what her exciting life is like and…
Authenticity that inspires – Anne Menden
Story: Authenticity that inspires – Anne MendenFor more than 20 years, Anne Menden has been enchanting us as Emily Höfer in the German soap opera „Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten“ (GZSZ – Good Times, Bad Times), making her one of the best-known and most popular faces on German television. As strong as the character of her most important TV role is, the actress is also strong in other ways. Animals and animal welfare are two of her greatest passions, and that’s why she decided to go vegan over 10 years ago. We wanted to know more about this and asked Anne Menden about her commitment and her…
Candy Crash – living colourfully, free and vegan
Story: Candy Crash – living colourfully, free and veganOne moment in Berlin, the next in California. There’s always something going on with Candy. She defies all categories and lives her life self-confidently, courageously and colourfully. Many people came across Candy Crash for the first time in the TV series „Queen of Drag“, and have since been fascinated by her personality, which plays with her feminine side. As an entertainer and content creator, the drag queen inspires an impressive and growing number of followers on a wide range of topics – from beauty to cooking to adventures in life! We caught up with her to find out more about…
Vegan Italian cuisine on TV – Boris Scafati
Story: Vegan Italian cuisine on TV – Boris ScafatiVon würzigen Antipasti und köstlicher Pasta mit cremig-raffinierter Soße, über Ragù mit mediterranem Sugo und duftend Überbackenes, bis hin zu Tiramisù und einer Torta della nonna … wer würde nicht dahinschmelzen allein beim Lesen einer italienischen Speisekarte? Dass die italienische Küche, auch auf Spitzenniveau, heute absolut vegan sein kann, beweist Chefkoch Boris Scafati. Und das nicht nur in seiner eigenen Küche, sondern auch im Fernsehen für ein Millionenpublikum. Wir haben mit Maestro Boris Scafati gesprochen. Hier erfährst du alles über pflanzliche Küchengeheimnisse jenseits des Brenners. Und das Beste: fast alles davon lässt sich zuhause nachkochen.
Climate-friendly culinary pleasure – the book
Story: Climate-friendly culinary pleasure – the bookVegan fürs Klima heißt ihr innovatives Kochbuch. Darin entführt sie in die Welt der regionalen, saisonalen und selbstverständlich rein pflanzlichen Küche. Die Dresdner Landschaftsarchitekturstudentin und Bloggerin Natalie Reichelt hegt schon seit etlichen Jahren den Wunsch, den Umweltschutz in einen modernen Lifestyle und in eine Genießer-Kulinarik zu integrieren. Dafür ist sie schon länger aktiv. Gerade über leckere pflanzliche Küche kann man die Menschen erreichen, so ist Natalie Reichelt überzeugt. Im Gespräch mit Velivery erzählt sie uns mehr über ihr Buch, die Beweggründe und was sie sonst noch so alles auf die Beine stellt. Auch ihre Rezepttipps dürfen nicht fehlen!
Daniel Noah – actor and activist
Story: Daniel Noah – actor and activistUmwerfendes Lächeln, Megaausstrahlung und eine Riesenportion Schauspieltalent. So erlebt man Schauspieler Daniel Noah auf allen TV-Kanälen und bisweilen im Kino. Bekannt wurde er als Sascha Beck aus GZSZ, für seine Rollen beim Tatort und in weiteren Fernsehformaten. Aktuell dreht Daniel im August 2024 für Inga Lindström in Schweden. Darauf dürfen wir uns schon jetzt freuen! Es lohnt sich sehr, sich mal mit ihm zu unterhalten, denn er weiß, über den Tellerrand zu schauen. Ach ja, der Teller ist bei ihm übrigens mit pflanzlichen Köstlichkeiten gefüllt. VELIVERY: Das Fernsehpublikum kennt und schätz dich aus zahlreichen TV-Produktionen, bei denen du immer wieder…
Thomas Müller loves a plant-based alternative
Story: Thomas Müller loves a plant-based alternativeWie ernährt sich der bayerische Fußballprofi und wie sieht er die Vereinbarkeit von Leistungssport und pflanzlichem Lebensstil? Im Interview verrät er uns, wie es zur Kooperation mit dem Münchner Startup für vegane Fleisch-Alternativen, Greenforce, kam, sein ideales Frühstück an Trainingstagen und noch so einiges mehr. FRAGE: Sie engagieren sich für vegane Ernährungsweise mit dem Start-up- Unternehmen GREENFORCE und ernähren sich selbst oftmals pflanzlich. Wann haben Sie sich für diese Ernährungsweise entschieden und aus welchen Gründen? THOMAS MÜLLER: Ich ernähre mich schon immer sehr ausgewogen und mit GREENFORCE und der vielfältigen Produktpalette ist es nun für uns alle sehr leicht geworden,…
A Date with Kostja Ullmann
Story: A Date with Kostja UllmannWhether it’s at the cinema, on Netflix or in German films, the beaming face of Kostja Ullmann with his big dark eyes is everywhere – and for good reason, because the actor has been on stage since he was 11 years old, and slips effortlessly into any role he takes on. He has featured in crime thrillers, his cinema debut, Summer Storm, as well as in My Blind Date with Life, where he played a visually impaired person, and in the 2023 Netflix dystopia Paradise. And his interests are just as varied as the films he has acted in. At…
Meet Anne Menden
Story: Meet Anne MendenDie-hard fans of long-running German soap opera Gute Zeiten, Schlechte Zeiten (GZSZ – “Good Times, Bad Times”) know actress Anne Menden as the character Emily Höfer/Badak/Wiedmann. While her character is known for being moody and having a turbulent life, actress Anne Menden couldn’t be more different. She’s a woman with clear values, and plenty of commitment to them. We were very happy to be able to interview her, and find out a little bit more about what plays the leading role in her life… VELIVERY: Hi Anne, it’s great to be able to talk to you! We have to be…
Ria Rehberg Interview
Story: Ria Rehberg InterviewThe start of the year … all signs point to a new beginning! And the first month of the new year can be a fascinating expedition into the world of culinary wonders and captivating aha moments. In this article, we explore the origins, development and many inspiring aspects of this movement: VEGANUARY. And who can give us more insightful information than Ria Rehberg, the director of Veganuary International? We are delighted that she is here to answer our questions about everything you need to know about Veganuary. And if you’re wondering how will guide you along this exciting path,…
Alina Süggeler – I have a dream
Story: Alina Süggeler – I have a dreamShe is an all-rounder. A strong personality – and she is our Veganuary godmother: Alina Süggeler. The female lead singer of the band Frida Gold is not only a singer, songwriter, pianist and model, she’s got a lot more to offer. And she also has a lot to say. The vegan has been committed to animals and environmental protection for many years. That is sufficient for us to find out more about this committed woman in an interview. VELIVERY: Alina, you have been successful with the band Frida Gold for over 10 years. Your albums ‘Juwel’ and ‘Alina’ that contain…
Meet Jonas from johnnys.fitfood
Story: Meet Jonas from johnnys.fitfoodEveryone’s talking about velivery, and news of our website is spreading very quickly among bloggers. We want to introduce you to as many people from the online world as possible – in the form of short profiles about what they do, and what motivates them. Today, we spoke to Jonas Osswald. VELIVERY: How can we find you online? Where are you active? And what are the main themes you feature in your content? Jonas: My name is Jonas Osswald, and you can find me on Instagram as johnnys.fitfood. As the name suggests, my channel is all about fitness and food.…
Is Ralf Moeller vegan?
Story: Is Ralf Moeller vegan?So, German bodybuilder Ralf Moeller eats a vegan diet? Really? Yes, really! And he feels better than he ever has! But how did this come about? How did it all start? Read on to find out about Ralf Moeller’s talents, and about the secret to his success. Ralf had always been ambitious. He started his career as a sportsman and bodybuilder at the tender age of 17. His goal-orientedness led to him becoming German champion in 1984. Two years later, he was crowned Mr Universe in Tokyo. Today, he is still considered one of greatest bodybuilding champions there is. But…
Chancellor Adenauer and the peace sausage
Story: Chancellor Adenauer and the peace sausageWhat does German politics have to do with soy alternatives to sausages? At first glance, nothing at all! However, Konrad Adenauer, the first post-war German Chancellor, was not just a politician. He was also very inventive – a real Gyro Gearloose of his time. When he wasn’t busy with politics, the passionate tinkerer was creating his own inventions. While some were more successful than others, they all had one thing in common: they were ahead of their time. As early as 1936, he was busy experimenting with procedures intended to remove exhaust fumes and soot from the air. The initial…
How Alex got his life back
Story: How Alex got his life backAlex Flohr is what many people would call a “really genuine guy”. He speaks his mind, doesn’t think much of convention, and likes to enjoy life. It’s this affable mix which will be noticed right away by anyone who watches his successful YouTube cooking channel HIER KOCHT ALEX (in German). This is someone who really does put all the clichés about vegans to bed once and for all. Originally a trained master road builder, Alex has now become successful in this format. And his success is every bit as self-made as his recipes are. His newest book, VEGAN OCEAN, has…
Topias Rohde, the eco-warrior
Story: Topias Rohde, the eco-warriorThere was a time when Topias Rohde was part of the furniture of the Hamburg nightclub and party scene. As an event caterer, he burned the candle at both ends and got the energy for his exhausting job from meat-heavy meals during the day. “My diet used to feature much more meat than it did salad. When I ordered a kebab, I would just have the bread, sauce and meat, and leave out the green stuff”: this is how Topi describes his earlier culinary self. All this changed when he met the woman he would eventually marry – she had…
Niko Rittenau – farewell to vegan clichés!
Story: Niko Rittenau – farewell to vegan clichés!“How is it possible that something as essential as food and nutrition has become so difficult and complicated to understand?” This is the question which has led Niko Rittenau to where he is today. As a successful author, nutritionist and public speaker, he is keen to bring his knowledge about healthy vegan nutrition to as large an audience as possible. Through his work, he aims to raise people’s awareness of their own health, sustainability in practice, and to instill a sense of responsibility for the planet. Originally from Austria, Rittenau is a trained cook and tourism agent. While he was…
Donald Watson – Vegan Pioneer
Story: Donald Watson – Vegan PioneerDonald Watson is regarded as the forefather of the word ‘Vegan’. In 1944, Watson and five others founded the VEGAN SOCIETY in Birmingham (UK), which still exists to this day. Watson dedicated his life to using it as a vehicle to win people over to a vegan way of thinking. Of course, the vegan lifestyle wasn’t man-made. It is a natural form of diet, which is older than most of the languages that we speak today. For instance, Neanderthals in Southern Europe, unlike their relatives in Northern and Central Europe, ate a diet that was primarily vegan, something scientists were…