
For nerves like steel
There are days when your nerves are on edge: endless to-do lists, annoying appointments, and worries big and small that keep swirling around in our heads, throwing us off balance and sometimes bringing us to the brink of despair. It is on days like these that we long for something to calm our nerves and clear our minds. When the pressure is high and the mind cannot find rest, we can help by consuming the right nerve food. And, of course, a good night’s sleep also plays a central role: If we lie awake at night, depriving ourselves of sleep…
A fat yield
Story: A fat yieldWhy oils and fats are not only delicious but indispensable for humans. Fats often have a bad reputation – many people immediately think of weight gain, sluggish metabolism or negative effects on the liver. But that’s not the whole story. In fact, fats are essential for the human body and an essential part of a balanced diet. Rather than avoiding fats altogether, the focus should be on eating the right, healthy fats – and using them wisely in the kitchen.
These 9 things happen when you stop eating meat
Story: These 9 things happen when you stop eating meatAccording to the World Health Organisation (WHO), there are clear guidelines regarding meat consumption: Too much meat is unhealthy. Red and processed meat is also proven to be carcinogenic. An American study goes even further and names specific diseases associated with meat consumption: In addition to cancer, the risk of heart and respiratory diseases, stroke, diabetes, infections, Alzheimer’s as well as liver and kidney diseases increases. For our health, these are therefore compelling arguments in favour of eating less meat or no meat at all. But what happens to my fitness, my metabolism and my body if I skip the…
The Big Five – smart food supplements
Story: The Big Five – smart food supplementsChoosing a vegan diet isn’t just a matter of personal lifestyle, it’s often equally a conscious choice for the environment and animal welfare. In addition, following a vegan lifestyle is often a decision for our own health, but let’s not kid ourselves, it can sometimes be challenging to make sure we’re getting all the essential nutrients from our plant-based diet. Studies have shown that vegans have a higher risk of deficiencies in nutrients such as vitamin B12, omega-3 fatty acids, iron, calcium and vitamin D. These nutrients play a crucial role in the health and well-being of the body. This…
Vegan Home Office
Story: Vegan Home OfficeFor many of us, working from home has become the new normal. Perhaps it has for you, too? While we certainly enjoy the convenience of being able to work in our tracksuit bottoms and being right next to the fridge ;-), this way of working also has its very own challenges. Read on to find out about a few of them, as well as for ideas on how to deal with them and maintain your balance. And discover great vegan recipes for your lunch break!
Soy – a misunderstood superfood?
Story: Soy – a misunderstood superfood?While some eye it warily, others pile on the vegan praise. Time and again, soy is a source of controversy. It stands accused of causing many ills: from deforestation to certain diseases, such as a higher risk of breast cancer. What’s more, people worry – even here in Germany – that we’re being served genetically modified soy. Read on to get to the bottom of these myths. As you’ll see, it’s always worth being nuanced. Then, we’ll shed light on the incontrovertible plus sides of soy beans – which mean they can rightly be referred to as a superfood. Especially…
The Princess and the Pea
Story: The Princess and the PeaFor a long time, peas were considered old-fashioned and not very tasty, but with veganism increasingly on the rise today, they are making a brilliant comeback and have been transformed from being an outsider to a bright green hip snack. Whether fresh, dried, as a powder, soup or milk alternative, the little green legume always cuts a fine figure —not just for princesses —and provides a wealth of nutrients and vitamins in addition to having a hearty taste. For passionate hobby gardeners, peas are an easy vegetable for those starting out that also grows well in our somewhat cooler zones.…
Get ready to go nuts for nuts!
Story: Get ready to go nuts for nuts!Nuts, seeds and kernels combine healthy nutrients, full-bodied flavor and versatility, making them a fundamental, and very popular, component of vegan cuisine. Because if you follow a vegan diet, you’re putting the focus on plant power. And that’s precisely what nuts provide, which is why we’re absolutely nuts about them! They give you plenty of energy, a concentrated dose of high-quality plant-based proteins, fats, carbohydrates that are easy for your body to utilize, fiber, as well as vitamins and minerals. The plant-based fats in nuts contain unsaturated fatty acids, such as important omega 3 fatty acids. Linseeds are especially good…
Getting enough protein as a vegan
Story: Getting enough protein as a veganAnyone wanting to eat consciously and well needs to make sure that their diet is balanced. This applies to flexitarians just as it does to vegetarians, as well as to people following a vegan lifestyle. When it comes to purely plant-based diets, there is a widespread prejudice that such diets do not provide enough protein. The fact is, however, that if you have a balanced vegan diet and consume enough calories, you will get enough of all the important amino acids. The main sources of plant-based protein are pulses (soy, chickpeas (garbanzo beans), lentils, tempeh etc.) and whole grains. Additional…
Vegan sugar alternatives
Story: Vegan sugar alternatives“Life is too short to live off nothing but crackers!” This sentence could be said in nearly any kitchen, because after all, life without the odd sweet treat wouldn’t be half as beautiful (culinarily, at least). In terms of taste, there are loads of delicious options on offer, but not all of them are healthy, and not every sweet addition manages not to leave an aftertaste of animal products. That means: if you want to sweeten your everyday on a regular basis, you shouldn’t fall into the unhealthy sugar trap, because refined sugar products are poison not just for our…
The coconut – a superfood
Story: The coconut – a superfoodFor people in the South Pacific, coconuts are a staple food – and one which brings them long, healthy lives. So, what are coconuts all about? We’re off to find out more about a very special superfood… Gentle production methods, substances which are useful for the body On closer inspection, it turns out that this delicious tropical fruit is a real wellness booster, and a very valuable addition to our diets. And not just for vegans! By cold-pressing the dried coconut flesh, also known as copra, pure, valuable, non-hardened coconut oil can be obtained. This gentle process means that the…
When you stop eating meat
Story: When you stop eating meatThe World Health Organization (WHO) has made a clear statement on meat consumption: eating too much meat is unhealthy. Furthermore, red meat and processed meat have been proven to be carcinogenic. One American study goes even further and names specific illnesses which are linked to meat consumption: alongside cancer, the risk increases for heart and respiratory diseases, stroke, diabetes, infections, Alzheimer’s and for liver and kidney diseases. These are therefore all pretty strong arguments for putting little or no meat on our plates. But what will happen to my fitness, my metabolism and my body if I just get rid…
No deficiencies please
Story: No deficiencies please“People who eat a vegan diet bring about a permanent state of malnutrition and unbalanced nutrition.” Few prejudices about plant-based diets are as persistent as the mistaken belief that plant-based foods do not provide enough for the body or the metabolism, and that they cause a gaping hole in the range of nutrients your body has access to. But after all, prejudices are there to be broken down. As is the case with any diet, anyone who decides to follow a plant-based diet must make sure that what they eat each day is balanced. This involves being conscious of what…